Bon Voyage


Like a tree root that has jutted out of the earth–
across and over stone–
then back into the soil again.
That is what happened to me.

Exposed, vulnerable,

But somehow, I’ve found my way back
To the center of the galaxy.

Back to a deeper truth.
The nourishment of my soul.

Lately, my mind has been telling me I’m slacking.
Behind on my Yoga Teacher Training.
Behind on cleaning, laundry, work, life.
Behind on all my so-called responsibilities.

But I still sit here on the porch
Watching birds fly by and the shadows
Wax and wane.
I inhale in this moment
And exhale out
Rules I used to hold myself by
As life inside me is created.

I no longer am the person I used to be.
And yes, sometimes I wonder where she went.
I never got to say good bye
Or wish her bon voyage.

She simply slipped away.
She simply became a memory.
And left me with a greater gift.

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