Random Highlights


I got to see my sweet little Gummi for the first time this week! What I didn’t tell you as well is that when we got to see her/him for the first time–she/he kept bouncing around in there and moving her/his arms up and down.  Hansel and I looked at each other and started laughing–both saying at the same time–“it’s doing the shuffle”.  You know what I mean, right?  Here, take a look……

Yeah, I think only Hansel and I would see their embryo and think it was shuffling!! This journey is gonna be a trip!!

My eldest: Theo has decided to finally get an apartment!!!

Is that freaking cute or what?!

Every evening this week I’ve started spending a little time before bed just sketching in my sketch book with pencil.  It’s so soothing–and helps me relax.  Here’s one of my sketches I’m still working on.  Not quite sure why the photo turned out that cool bluish tone–but I like it!

And, lookie! lookie!! My FEARLESS™ Painter Lis made me this cool pencil pouch that I keep all my drawing pencils in.  It’s perfect because when I’m finish sketching and ready for bedy-bye I just slip it into my sketchbook and lay them both on my nightstand. Isn’t it adorable?

BIG started this week–and already my 8th Tribe is off to a great start!  I’m always excited to see how each new adventure will unfold!  And–I finalized my new 2012 BIG schedule–you can scroll down HERE and start planning your own dates of when you’ll finally start painting FEARLESS™ too!

I’m also super excited because DEEP opens this Monday–and we’re totally sold out!

Some of my FEARLESS™ Painters have been waiting all year just to get this part of the adventure started and I know it’s gonna be juicy!


THRIVE–the final workshop in the FEARLESS™ Painting Adventures is coming in January!

So all you FEARLESS™ Painters who journeyed through DEEP this past January–and those ready to take the adventure starting Monday–hold on to your paintbrushes–THRIVE is on it’s way!  It goes on sale November!

Awww–fun! fun! fun!!

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