Autumn Cleaning


This past weekend I should have been working.  There’s tons of stuff to do before the big month of October rolls in.  But instead, I couldn’t fight the feeling to clean.  To purge.  To go through my entire studio and start throwing out the old stuff and making space.

Lots and lots of space.

For one thing, I replaced the little cabinet I use for storing my paints.

The one I used to have was falling apart, the shelves would no longer close, and it just wasn’t the right height for me–since I also use it as a table to support my palette, brushes, and water on.

I cleaned and organized my altar and hung some bunting up above the corner where it rests.

I vacuumed.  I threw a bunch of dirty paint rags in the wash. I smudged with the sweet scent of sage.

And I packed up all the supplies I need for my Total Alignment retreat coming up October 4-7.

Then, when I was finished, I laid down on the studio floor and simply stared at the ceiling.

Autumn is the energetic time of year to release.
To put what no longer serves us into the collective fire.
To let go.

My studio is always a reflection of my inner landscape.
When it’s cluttered and messy.
My mind is cluttered and messy.
When it’s clean, fresh, clear–
I can breathe.
I can create.
I can move mountains with just my pinky finger.

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