A Heart-Mind-Creativity Adjustment!

FEARLESS Painting by Tammy in my free online workshop HERE.


FEARLESS Painting by Tammy in my free online workshop HERE.


FEARLESS Painting by Tammy in my free online workshop HERE.
FEARLESS Painting by Tammy in my free online workshop HERE.

About a month ago I was tossing the idea around of closing my free online workshop Total Alignment. I just wondered to myself if anyone actually uses it–and then, out of nowhere I got a swarm of emails from women sharing with me what the free course has done for them.

One of those women was Tammy.  She wrote me a beautiful email and shared these incredible FEARLESS paintings she made inspired by this workshop.

When I made my free online workshop I did it with pure love and the intention to help Artists get back in alignment…because honestly all of us have those times when our creativity-heart-and mind could use an adjustment!

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