Celebrating Spring!
Published on March 29, 2013
Spring has totally sprung here in the desert!! I absolutely love this time of year here–it feels great, it smells great, and my spirit truly begins to feel anew.
So, with all this warm excitement I feel like sharing it!!
First, I want to joyfully invite you to join me for another BYOBrushes live FEARLESS Painting event!!! My Spring BYOBrushes is scheduled for:
Friday, April 5, 2013
10:00 AM PST to 11:30 AM PST
(1:00 PM EST to 2:30 PM EST)
BYOBrushes is totally FREE!!
All you need to do is join me here on Dirty Footprints Studio or at my Ustream channel HERE while I FEARLESS paint in my studio!! You are encouraged to paint along as well–and of course I’ll stop from time to time to chat and hang out too!
I hope to see you there!
Second, have you heard that 21 SECRETS opens on Monday, April st?!? And I’m so excited that I want to spread a little Spring LOVE by giving away a free memberships to 21 SECRETS to three lucky people!!
Yep!! THREE!
All you need to do to enter to win is leave a comment in this blog post sharing what you wish to start anew this Spring!!
I will announce my winner Sunday evening!
Happy Spring everyone!!!
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