Dear Beloved Readers:
Published on May 27, 2013
And that’s when it hit me–why not just ask my readers?
Yep! I feel like I need a good kick in the writing pants–and I’m asking you, my beloved readers, to please help me out by posting in the comment section below a question you would LOOOOVE to ask me–or a topic you wish I would write about…..That’s right–Please ask me! Tell me!! Give me something!!!
Then, starting in June, each week I’ll take a couple of your questions or suggestions that resonate with my heart and give it a whirl! We’ll call it the To Be Of Service Summer Blog Series and see what happens!!!!
Plus, if you do leave a suggestion or comment–also be sure to leave your name and your website/blog url too so that I can give you a nice little shout out of appreciation for the inspiration!!!
My writer’s block heart thanks you in advance!!!
BIG Hugs,
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