A Chat With Lisa Sonora Beam
Published on August 30, 2013
Last week I was on Facebook when I saw a post raving about Lisa Sonora Beam’s new memoir: Sketchbooks. Something told me to order it quick so I downloaded the e-version and that night I just about devoured the entire book! I can not sing it’s praises loud enough! Lisa simply opens her heart (and her sketchbook) and allows us to gracefully travel her inner landscape with her. Plus, to top it off, I was honored to sit and chat with Lisa on Skype just a few days ago. This is the first time either of us have met and we invite you to grab a cup of tea, settle in, and join us.
Below you will find a video of our Skype chat that you can watch, or if you’d rather download the audio and just listen I have provided you with that option below as well.
Please be sure to pick up your own copy of Lisa’s new memoir Sketchbooks HERE, you will not be disappointed.
[vc_video link=’http://player.vimeo.com/video/73333015′]
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