My Traveling Art Studio
Published on August 28, 2013
It’s simply a great little back pack I purchased from the Croc’s outlet store that carries all of my sketchbook supplies when I’m out and about, or when I’m simply around home.
You wouldn’t think it, but it’s actually very comfy and carries quite a bit.
And oh, that big black stain is from my last flight to Cleveland. I had this baby stashed in my luggage and there was a glass jar of ink in it that broke.
{Yeah, UGH.}
Anyways, when you take everything out, this is what you see.
I try to keep stuff contained and relatively “neat” so that I don’t have to spend much time searching for supplies when I need them.
Because Lovelies ask me all the time what supplies I use in my sketchbook, here’s a detailed look–and a list as well!
Old baby bottle for water
Pitt Pens (various tips and tones)
Sharpie pens
Micron pens
Gel pens
Art Graf stick
Uni-ball pens
Pink highlighter
Jack Richeson & Co watercolor set
Savoir Faire gouache set
Liquitex Heavy Body Titanium White
Liquitex Heavy Body Light Portrait Pink
Golden Teal
Dip pen
Royal 1 inch filbert watercolor brush
Royal round tip size 4 brush
Cotman round tip size 10 brush
Moleskine sketchbook
Embroider pouch for crystals, stones, & other fun medicine I find
To see more of my sketchbook posts please go HERE!
Happy Sketching!
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