Painting After Midnight
Published on September 11, 2013
Here is a little look into my process of my latest FEARLESS® Painting, that I introduced to you yesterday.
Please excuse the gawd-awful photographs.
I literally was painting in my living room after midnight, with just the light of a little lamp, the company of my furry kiddos, a container of organic raspberries, and my iPhone to shoot the photos.
I started by taping down a piece of vellum bristol to my painting white board and then FEARLESSly sketching with some oil pastels.
My intention was to explore my relationship with my body.
I love that wings appeared instead of arms.
The interesting thing about shooting photos as the FEARLESS Painting process evolves is that when I look back, I can see the many different paintings that it once was.
In just looking at these photos alone, I feel like the painting could have been “finished” in so many different stages–but that’s what’s different about FEARLESS Painting–the painting calls the shots. It tells you when you’re done and when you’re not.
I also have to admit that I had to take quite a few deep breaths for me to muster up the courage to share this painting with you.
It feels very, very raw.
But if my courage helps at least one person to fully allow themselves to open up and paint FEARLESS from their heart, then it’s all worth it to me.
And last, here’s where I decided I better go to sleep.
She’s still not done, of course.
But I’ll keep you posted on how she is evolving. Promise.
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