Painting Life…Literally


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There are a few things that I love about this Ted Talk with painter Alexa Meade.

One, I love that Alexa heard the calling to be an Artist, and despite her extensive schooling in the political sciences, she followed.  She listened.  She moved back into her parents home and painted in the basement.

Second, I love how Alexa is innovative with paint.  That she’s not afraid to try something new and fresh–and most of all have fun with it.

{Sometimes we Artists take this art making thing so damn seriously!}

Third, and final, I love how Alexa shows us that there is no one right way to being an Artist–we are each called to journey a different path of self expression and self discovery.

I hope that Alexa’s  Ted Talk will inspire you to answer the call you feel in your heart to follow your own Artist journey–or if you already are smack dab in the middle of the trail–that you will gain a little boost of confidence to be brave and think outside the box a little more.  Heck! Maybe even invite in a little bit of play!

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