Come Join Me For A FREE Spreecast!


I can not tell you how stinking excited I am for my upcoming eCourse:  Workshops, Creative Circles & Retreats!!  I literally lay in bed at night going over again and again what I’m going to say–because my heart just wants to inspire the heck out of all of you!! I want you to feel confidant enough to get your bootie in action and start making those dreams of hosting your own workshop, creative circle, and retreats happen in 2014!!

We need this.  Women need sacred space where they can create together, share together, cry together, laugh together, get angry together, get silly together, and simply heal together.

So if it’s the “how-to-part” of starting your own workshop, creative circle, or retreat that is holding you back from birthing your dreams–well, than I’m your midwife!!!

I’m going to help you demystify the process and provide you with years and years of my own experience, successes, and mistakes in 4-two hour teleconferences.

I’d love for you to join me on Wednesday, October 9 at 11 am PST for a FREE Spreecast where I will be discussing the following things:

  • How I define the differences between workshops, creative circles, and retreats.
  • My sweet little story on how I was told only one hour before-hand that I would be hosting my first art workshop–and how at only age 19,  I rose above the fear and totally rocked it!!!  In other words: TOTAL PROOF that YOU can do this kind of work too!
  • My BIG secret on how I began hosting my annual Total Alignment retreat in Sedona.
  • How my failed workshops bombed and why I’m better for it!
  • The importance of creating safe, creative, sacred space for women–why we need to do this work–and how your dreams are a calling to do so!!


To attend my FREE Spreecast–where you’ll be able to chat with me LIVE and ask questions–please enter your email address  below and I’ll send you an invite the day before the Spreecast!!!

I look forward to seeing you there!

You can learn more about Workshops, Creative Circles, & Retreats eCourse HERE!

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