Lightening Up Around Here


This is a recent spread out of my Moleskine–can you believe it?

By the time I hit my 38th birthday at the end of December I will most likely have this Moleskine completed.  This is a big deal to me–because I started my first Moleskine on my 37th birthday.

I’ll have filled a total of three.  (If you want, you can see a flip through the last two HERE and HERE.)

It’s nice to see how this practice of sketching, writing, and painting in my Moleskine documented my year so tenderly.

At the beginning of my year I did a lot of sketching.  A lot.

This practice of depicting the things I saw around me was so healing.

It’s no secret that this last year has been very challenging for me.  Sketching helped to keep me grounded because it focused my mind.

Many people get themselves all worked up over not being able to draw something realistic.  They’ve convince themselves it has to do with talent.

But actually, I believe it’s a skill.  A skill that with practice becomes stronger.

But part of growing that skill is quieting the mind so that your focus can be directed towards seeing.

Anyways, I wanted to talk about the spread up above and not sketching.  Maybe I’ll come back to this discussion later, but what I really wanted to share was how refreshing it feels to be cutting and pasting paper, smearing paint around with my fingers or a sponge, and to scribble like crazy!

It feels lighter.  And I love it!

I freaking, freaking love it!!!

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