Listen In To My Free Spreecast Now!!


Thank you to all the beautiful Souls that attended today’s free Spreecast on Workshops, Creative Circles, & Retreats!  In the recording above we discuss the following topics:

  • How I define the differences between workshops, creative circles, and retreats.
  • My sweet little story on how I was told only one hour before-hand that I would be hosting my first art workshop–and how at only age 19,  I rose above the fear and totally rocked it!!!  In other words: TOTAL PROOF that YOU can do this kind of work too!
  • My BIG secret on how I began hosting my annual Total Alignment retreat in Sedona.
  • How my failed workshops bombed and why I’m better for it!
  • The importance of creating safe, creative, sacred space for women–why we need to do this work–and how your dreams are a calling to do so!!


There was also some time spent at the end where I answered questions.

My Workshops, Creative Circles, and Retreat eCourse begins Monday, October 21!  To learn more and to register please go HERE.

I hope to see you there!

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