Painting The Feminine :: Adorn


Since I’ve been Painting The Feminine, I’ve been really interested in not only what does the Feminine feel like–but also, what does it look like.

Personally, this has caused me to examine my own self care as well.

I’m becoming more mindful about what scents I adorn my body with-
What colors and textures lie ornament upon my skin-
What accentuates the Feminine-
What honors it–
What celebrates it.

Yes, there are many messages we as women receive from media and society
Telling us how we should or shouldn’t look.

But I believe the Feminine expression of being
is as unique as each person’s finger print.

And it expresses itself through
what makes us feel good,
what brings us joy.

But most of all–
what we think is beautiful.


Please join me LIVE in celebrating my Painting The Feminine series on

Monday, December 2 at 12pm PST / 3pm EST for a FREE Spreecast!

I will be giving a flip through my Painting The Feminine art journal, sharing my paintings on canvas, and creating a Painting The Feminine art journal spread too!  So please bring your art journal and join me in Painting The Feminine!!

All you need to do is RSVP by going HERE!

(A recording of the show will be available on Dirty Footprints Studio for those who can’t make it.)

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