My Life For Your Viewing
Published on January 27, 2014
On December 28th I turned 38. And let me just say that my 37th year of life was certainly a doozy.
I’m hoping 38 is a bit kinder to me.
Though, I can honestly say that I would not go back and change a thing. The challenges I faced have brought me closer to my truth and 37 ushered in a huge clearing in my life for more goodness and healing to happen.
So thank you Universe! I see, even when it hurts, you always got my back!
But the good news is that finally I’ve gotten around to filming a little flip of my last and final Moleskine of my 37th year. If you’d like to take a walk through time with me, here are the three Moleskines I used to document and process my life.
Even though it feels a bit vulnerable to place my inners on display as so, if it helps another Artist to pick up their sketchbook and dive into the details of their life too…well, than it’s all worth it.
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