Say Hello To Liz Lamoreux & Natasha White!
Published on March 15, 2014
From now until April 1st, every Friday here at Dirty Footprints Studio I am proud to introduce a few of the amazing teachers that are part of 21 SECRETS Spring which releases on April 1st as the first ever 21 SECRETS eBook! You can meet the past teachers I’ve already introduced to you HERE.
Today I introduce you to Liz and Natasha!
The best words to describe Liz Lamoreux are the ones that land like a feather on your tongue: Softness. Gentle. Breath. Soul. Depth. Mama. Liz has been sharing her life and creative spirit online for almost a decade. I’ve always felt Liz would be perfect for 21 SECRETS, but it took me five years to stir up the courage to ask her! She’s the author of the book Inner Excavation that marries poetry, photography, and mixed media and her and past 21 SECRETS Aritst Kelly Barton have been hosting Soulful retreats for women that dig in deep. Liz pours her heart into everything she creates, and I know that her workshop I Am will reflect that.
Check out Liz’s website HERE and read her official bio HERE.
I first met the lovely Natasha White years ago in my online workshop BIG. Since then, she has grown incredibly in depth, skill, and courage as an Artist and it has been so much fun to witness her journey unfold. What I love about Natasha is that she is an Artist not afraid to experiment and stretch herself. She gets a creative idea and goes for it! I’m not surprised one bit that her workshop is called Fly Baby Fly!—if anyone can inspire you to spread your wings as an Artist, Natasha can.
Join Natasha over HERE or read her official bio HERE.
21 SECRETS is on sale now!
Go HERE for more info!
Next week join me as I introduce Petra Hansen-Adamidis & Rachel Ellen Andrews!
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