You Own The Monopoly On Being You


In IGNITE, I have what I call an open heart policy.  As your mentor, you can ask me anything and I’ll do my best to share all I know.

For instance, in my last IGNITE I had a student who was really interested in 21 SECRETS.

I shared everything with her: from my philosophy behind choosing the artists, to what some of my emails look like to invite them, to the contracts they sign, to how I organize everything together.

And recently I told someone about my open heart policy and they said Aren’t you afraid they’re going to steal your business away?

My thought is this: A person can copy everything I do straight down to the brand of socks I wear and what side of the bed I sleep on, but I own the monopoly on being me.  No matter how much someone copies me…they’re never going to pull it off successfully.   My job is to simply just keep being me–it’s really none of my bees wax how other people approach their business or creativity.

So yes, in IGNITE I share with you everything I know about FEARLESS® Painting, facilitating transformative experiences in person and online, and the elements to creating a sustainable thriving business, but the focus is never placed on simply what I do, but instead we explore what is your Soul work and then use my model as merely inspiration to craft your own clear definition of success and a program or business that is an authentic expression of you.

In other words, IGNITE is not about being a franchise for someone else’s success…it’s about owning the monopoly on your own beautiful expression and one-of-a-kind uniqueness as an artist and a woman.

That’s why I’m so excited that Monday IGNITE goes on sale again!

I’m putting the call out to 20 women ready to do business!


And when I say business…I mean having the courage to start putting yourself out there and truly being you–beautiful, messy, complex and simple: YOU.

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