STOP Painting “Messy” & Just Paint Like YOU!


One of the biggest most wildly spread misconceptions about the intuitive painting process is that most artists equate spontaneity as being intuitive.  Their usual strategy of approaching the intuitive process is by being “messy”.

The truth is, intuition is the furthest thing from messy.

Have you ever noticed that most of us live lives that are already messy and cluttered and still have zero to very little connection to our intuition? So messy is not necessarily the best strategy always.

Slowing down is.

Getting quiet.


Now there’s how you can start to embrace your intuition and get to know it like a true friend.

But doing this — slowing down, listening, quieting our mind is uncomfortable for most people.  It can feel impossible even.

And that’s why creative process is such a gift.

It’s safe.

It’s fun.

It involves color and color naturally cleanses our energy.

And did you notice I said “creative process”?

Be intuitive painting, / quilting / mixed media / rock painting — you name it — if what you are doing invokes the creative process well than intuition is already embed in it.

That’s where so many artists get hung up on.  Maybe even you.   When we compartmentalize intuition as something separate from what we already do as Artists,  the struggle than becomes cerebral — it becomes trying to be or do something “else”.

I receive emails ALL THE TIME from Artists saying that how they create is very orderly, tight, and structured.  They come to me because they want to be something different.  Most of the time they want to be “messy”.

I encourage them to be more orderly, more tight, and more structured.  I show them Artists in history that expressed great depth by also being so.

Painting intuitively is about painting how YOU authentically paint.

And if it’s not, well than I hope you are in the presence of a knowledgeable, very connected teacher that has a meaningful intention and deep understanding of why they are asking you to paint differently in the first place..

That’s what my IGNITE Online Intensive is all about.  Helping Artists be the Artists they are called to be — and helping them help other Artists do the same. It’s about learning methods and approaches to the creative process that will help students be more of who they are and less of what/who they think they should be.

Already IGNITE is 3/4 filled and it just went on sale a couple weeks ago!  We start March 16th and if you want to get in with a payment plan set at the lowest price you have until the Saturday morning to do so.

CLICK HERE for more info.

Wanna make 2015 the year more Artists paint like themselves (including yourself)?!  Then come join me!

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