This Is Really Cool — And It’s FREE!
Published on January 16, 2015
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I’m sure you’ve probably already heard about the very cool Documented Life Project that was a huge hit last year!? Right?
Well if not, imagine a whole year of weekly art journaling prompts to get you storytelling through color, texture, and technique that are also intended to build your confidence and fill your artist tool box too!!
Yep! That’s The Documented Life Project!
It’s hosted by a close-knit circle of amazing ladies who call themselves Art To The 5th (many whom are past & upcoming 21 SECRETS teachers as well!). And it’s FREE!
Today I am excited to announce that I am one of the special guest teachers contributing to their weekly prompts! (But I’ve been sworn to complete secrecy, so I can’t tell you what I’m teaching just yet!)
Though, I can say that there’s an amazing line up of teachers that I get to share the stage with such as Ali Edwards, Danny Gregory, Dina Wakley, Jane Davenport, Katie Kendrick, Susan Tuttle, Traci Bautista, and so many more.
CLICK HERE to see the whole impressive list and come join this inspiring project!
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