I Love Making Alchemy Cards!!! (Who Would Have Guessed!?)


Last month I was absolutely thrilled to not only be a contributor in Mindy Tsonas’s Inner Alchemy Circle eCourse — but most of all to actually take the course myself!

I had so much fun.

Seriously, painting these little babies became the highlight of my day!  And even though I didn’t finish the whole deck that Mindy and her circle of amazing contributors invited us to do,  I became beyond inspired to start creating my own deck around Painting The Feminine!

I know! I know!!! EXCITING!!!!!

My goal is to release this Painting The Feminine deck in May 2016 when I launch the next session of the Painting The Feminine eCourse– which, by the way started this week and is going AWESOME!

Once again, the women that have answered the call to paint the Feminine with me are inspiring me  daily with their wisdom, courage, and creative insight!

But I also want to share that Mindy was incredible at hosting her Inner Alchemy Circle eCourse.  Every single day women were being inspired, posting their work, and supporting one another warmly. (Be sure to check out hashtag #IACWATERCOVEN on Instagram to see what I mean!)

I was so impressed on how powerfully and tenderly Mindy held space and led this creative journey.  I know I’ll be signing up for the next one she offers!

But until then, you can check out Mindy’s magic in 21 SECRETS Spring where she is teaching Inner Alchemy Pages: An exploration of paint and personal magic! Good stuff!

CLICK HERE to learn more!

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