21 SECRETS emBODY Is Different (& Last Day For Early Bird)
Published on February 10, 2017
Everywhere I look is politics — and it’s heated, it’s heavy, and at times it even feels hopeless. And I noticed there are 2 things helping me stay less reactive & more grounded: my creative practice & coming back into my body through movement, breath, & exercise.
If I didn’t have these two things I probably would have buried my head in the ground by now.
21 SECRETS emBODY, which came out this past Wednesday, feels like a much needed support system.
To me art journaling is a space to step out of the heaviness of the world and slip into what is truly important and sacred – my connection to Spirit – to my Soul– to that ever flowing creative power.
This is my 11th edition of 21 SECRETS — & I have loved each edition that has come out. But this is the first edition where I truly believe it is much needed medicine during these changing times.
The artists in 21 SECRETS emBODY bare their hearts and Souls in a big way.
They remind us what it means to live and breathe in this precious body by simply picking up a paintbrush. By playing with color. By exploring how line and pattern makes us feel. They, with their beautiful artist way, bring us back into our bodies — so we can nestle closely inside our hearts.
So please come join us in 21 SECRETS emBODY. It won’t take the heaviness of the world away — but it will make it much easier to face each day.
Today is the last day to preorder your copy and save using coupon code: emBODY.
Sale ends tonight.
[button size=” style=” text=’CLICK HERE For More Info’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://conniesolera.com/21-secrets-embody’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]
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