A Peek Into Paint Riot
Published on May 29, 2017
A little over a week ago, Chris Zydel and I hosted our first Paint Riot together at her Creative Juices Arts studio in Oakland, California.
We were joined by a group of talented, lovely women who were eager to get their creative juices flowing and their paintbrushes dancing wildly.
It was a very inspiring retreat for certain and I wanted to share with you a peek.
As I said, the Paint Riot retreat was held at Chris’s studio in Oakland, which for over 20 years has been the home (or the “Mother Ship” as I like to call it) to much creative healing and fun.
So of course it has that warm and cozy feeling to it with a mix of tiny altars in every nook and cranny and color! color! color!
Though the best part by far is the abundance of art supplies always at hand and the nourishing meals that were provided to keep everyone fed and grounded — because a Paint Riot is serious work!
Mix it altogether and you have a heart soaked recipe for a total Paint Riot!
Here’s some of the artists in action!
Paint Riot really was a beautiful event and I personally came home feeling inspired and renewed. Being with these amazing women for four days and getting to co-create a space of creativity and healing with my dear friend Chris was such good medicine. Huge things shifted for me.
I also spent some quality time working on my own paintings as well. But I’ll share more about that later.
And hey! In early Spring Chris and I made a series of video chats on some of our favorite topics about creativity, painting, and the Feminine. CLICK HERE to check them out — they’re juicy!
Happy Painting everyone!
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Early Bird Sale For Paint FEARLESS Mexico Ends June 1st!
Only a couple more days left to take advantage of the $100 Early Bird discount and come join me in Oaxaca, Mexico this November!
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