Under A Full Moon


The moon is most happy 
When it is full.

Tomorrow is a Strawberry Full Moon and according to Native American legend, this Full Moon represents a time for spiritual cleansing.

For me the Strawberry Moon has always been quite powerful. In 2010, under a Strawberry Moon, I quit my full time teaching job to pour my whole self into Dirty Footprints Studio.

Eight years later I now find myself making another decision. One that might not be as dramatic on the outside as quitting a job, but it feels just as powerful in the inside.

Tomorrow, I and the amazing women in my IGNITE program will be gathering together for our final closing call of this program. We have journeyed together for over a year and I’m excited to announce that this Friday, June 29th the women of IGNITE have a very special FREE gift to share with you here at Dirty Footprints Studio.

You will need to come back on Friday to see exactly what it is, but until then, I want to take the time and share why this Strawberry Moon is so very special to me once again.

Since 2012 it has been a great honor and tremendous joy to host seven sessions of IGNITE.  What a privilege it has been to support women as they claim their greatness as artists, teachers, and leaders. Through this program I myself have learned so much in these past seven sessions about the creative process, holding space, teaching, community, and business.

Though after great reflection and prayer the past few months — and a lot of teeter tottering back and forth as well — I have decided it is time to take a sabbatical from IGNITE with the intention of deepening my own creative practice and exploring new ways of expressing and offering IGNITE in the future.

I have been an artist my whole entire life and I have pursued this path for just as long. Though the truth is that teaching and business have been in the driver’s seat for the majority of my adult life.  For the last twenty plus years my focus has been on growing my skills and career as a teacher and learning how to be a creative entrepreneur — how to fuse my passion with profit.

Though a new season is dawning in my life.

I’m not going to stop teaching or running my business. Instead, I am recalibrating and simplifying my teaching and business practice so that my creative practice can step forward and take the driver’s seat. 

This Strawberry Moon marks a conscious shift in my priorities and a willingness to open myself up to the great unknown that lies ahead. Sounds sexy, doesn’t it?

Well let’s find out.

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