Lets Come Together & Paint


In a blink of an eye, or at least that’s how it felt like it, we all woke up to a new reality here in the US. 

Suddenly what seemed stable and true, felt more fragile and elusive.  

Since the US started to take the coronavirus much more seriously, I’ve been longing with all my heart to be with my painters in Painting The Feminine again.  

And today I thought to myself –if I’m feeling this way, many of my painters must be as well.

Initially I was going to transform Painting The Feminine into a downloadable eBook this year. But forget that for now.

Instead Painting The Feminine is back on — and we start Monday, March 30th.

And this time, I doing things a tad different.  Here’s how we’re gonna roll…

  • MONDAY will be our live discussions at the usual 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM EST
  • TUESDAY – THURSDAY will be our daily audio (I will be creating new ones too!)
  • FRIDAY’S studio visit will be LIVE! I will be live painting on Zoom at 9 AM PST / 12 PM EST each Friday!  

    But the best part is that I will be jumping into the Facebook group every day with a Facebook Live to check on everyone and to shower you all in as much love and realness I can muster.

    To help better explain I made you a little video….

It’s time…that’s all I keep feeling in my heart….it’s time for us to really, really Paint-The-Feminine.

We need each other — I need you.

So please come and join us — plus, I dropped the price to the lowest possible: $49 (or two payments of $25).

Painting The Feminine begins Monday, March 30th .  Use whatever supplies you have on hand — lets strengthen our practice — lets raise Feminine Wisdom.


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announcements,& short musings intended to nourish your Artist Soul.

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