

Sep 3, 2009

Lilies I have been thinking about living like the lilies that blow in the fields. They rise and fall in the wedge of the wind, and have no shelter from the tongues of the cattle, and have no closets or cupboards, and have no legs. Still I would like to be as wonderful as that old idea. But if I were a lily I think I would wait all day for the green face of the hummingbird to touch me. What I mean is, could I forget myself even in those feathery fields? When van Gogh preached to the poor…


A Deep Calling

Aug 31, 2009

Every Sunday evening right before going to bed, I write a long list of things I want to accomplish for the week. I set myself little goals, as well as challenges. And if I don’t meet those goals and/or challenges that week…they get put on next week’s list. Last night, I made a pretty long and juicy list. There was a lot of the usual, mundane crap like remembering to pay rent, and having to get grades in the computer, but there were also these little secret challenges I make..that are really steps in the direction of living my Creative…


Why I Love These Chicas!!!

Aug 30, 2009 Did you hear the Creative Juicy Life interview with my Creative Dig co-horts: Christine Reed and Andrea LeBlond? Just listen in..and you’ll see why I love these chicas!! They are so Creative Juicy Awesome!!! Now…book yourself a flight and join us on Saturday, September 26th in Cleveland, Ohio for the Creative Dig Workshop!!!! It’s going to be incredible. Peace & Love.


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