
So Much Creative Juiciness!

Aug 28, 2009

This Sunday on my BlogTalk radio show: Creative Juicy Life, there is going to be a whole lot of Creative excitement going on!! We, the three Creative Juicy chicas that are your hosts–your guides–your teachers–to the Creative Dig Workshop that is happening in Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday, September 26th are getting together to discuss how digging through various layers of your Creativity, such as painting, writing, and sculpting can help you excavate self identity and sort through all those stories you carry with you…you know, the ones that keep you stuck, as well as the ones that are filled with…



Aug 27, 2009

Tuesday night I felt sick…like a bug was taking over my body.  I drank a few smoothies, swallowed a few vitamin c tablets, ran a few neti pots, and hit the hay with my sweetheart and our family of furry kiddos.  When I woke up this morning, the bug instead moved out of my system and planted itself in my brain.  I felt blue. Depressed. Like a total loser, and I wasn’t entirely sure why. Does this ever happen to you? I can go on and on about the shitty things that happened today.  I could throw a huge self…


Under the Weather Creative Juicy Style

Aug 26, 2009

Emma, from the blog Treehouse Jukebox, recently suggested over in the VIP room on Facebook that I write a post on how to be Creative Juicy when under the weather.  Reading that I thought to myself that I haven’t felt very sick in quite awhile.  Then, would you guess it, yesterday, around noon, out-of-nowhere, my body just started to send me signals that it had enough…it was going to be closing for business soon…taking a much needed break….while whatever little bug that was vacationing in my head, chest, and achy bones came in and took inventory for awhile! Yes chicas,…


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