
Recipe for Cinco de Mayo

May 5, 2008

Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo. I know that means Fifth of May, but beyond that I have no clue. I noticed today that the Mexican restaurants in my neighbor are getting all dolled up for a major day of cervaza drinking tomorrow. But what is it all about anyways? Though, any excuse for latin cusine is all right with me. I want to share a delicioso recipe—it is probrably more southwest then mexican, but yummy anyhow. Print this baby out and enjoy!!! I would say great for entertaining, including days other than cinco de mayo! Tortilla Casserole Whatcha Ya Need:One…


Forget the Stichin’

May 4, 2008

Saturdays always go by too fast. Today was no exception. My intention was to do some sewing, but the weather was too gorgeous outside to stay in stichin’. Instead I decided to clean up my beloved patio, the closest thing I have to my own yard/garden here in the desert. Some of my plants were looking kind of shabby, so I gave them a bit of a makeover. I also spent a couple hours just cruisin’ the aisles of the outdoor garden center down the street. I love plants. I love gardening. I love digging in the dirt, getting messy,…



May 3, 2008

I love this bracelet…I found it this morning and thought it would be a good b-day gift for Andrea. But naw–I want it. She’d look better in the little somethin-somethin I’m getting her. Check out some more awesome work done by hollyhawk at etsy. Rockin’ stuff.


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