Studio Updates


Nov 5, 2009

Here is a peek into a series of paintings I have started working on. They are each painted on wood! AND…..each painting sits on a foundation of what I lovingly call scrappers..and, I must add, none of these paintings are finished yet! Here is my own personal box of scrappers! And, for those Lovelies that attended the Creative Dig Workshop this past September, they got to create some Art Journal LOVE with some scrappers I brought for them. What is this thing you call “scrappers”, you ask? Well, as you most likely know, I teach K-8 art…and sometimes I have…


Talking Art!

Nov 3, 2009

I think it’s really important for me, and everyone I guess, to remember that Art Every Day does NOT have to mean that you are producing something every single day. Let’s not forget that part of art and being an artist is also taking things in, dreaming, imagining, planning, experimenting, journaling etc. Also…learning about other artists, techniques, and art movements–looking at art, and having conversations about art–can also be a nutritious part of the Art Every Day Month challenge. If you ask me. Monday at school was a new rotation, of a new quarter–so basically that means a new round…


Honoring Death

Nov 2, 2009

This week’s Art Journal LOVE is in honor of Day of the Dead which is on November 1st and 2nd. Let me just say that this video was a great work of love for me. I poured myself into this. And–it was so great to collaborate with Hansel. I hope it moves you to honor the parts of yourself that are endless…timeless…full. Peace & Love.


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Untitled_Artwork 5