Studio Updates

Mr. Prana

Nov 13, 2009

Ok. I know I promised my kiddos work from yesterday’s post HERE….but, sorry….you’ll just have to wait till tomorrow—I couldn’t resist writing this post! Yesterday one of my darling first graders was so super proud of his drawing above that he danced around the class showing everyone. Mr. Prana. Do you know what prana is? In Yoga it is the word that best describes the life energy that moves us–that breathes through us. Actually in sanskrit the word prana means breath. I LOVE THIS!!! LOVE IT!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! Though, I did ask him about his drawing right before I shot…


What’s Happening in Studio 307

Nov 12, 2009

Look closely…these kiddos are using SCRAPPERS!!! For Art Every Day I thought I’d share a little of what’s happening over in Studio 307–what I affectionately call my classroom in the K-8 school I teach art at!!! Kids love snowboys and snowgirls!! ESPECIALLY Arizona kids!!!!!!! These photos show the beginning of winter flags they are creating for the annual Winter Program the Music teacher and I put on each year. She does all the music stuff…and I work on props and costumes with the kiddos. The second grade is singing a song about a winter parade and they will actually be…


A Traveling Art Studio

Nov 11, 2009

I need to clean the Dirty Footprints Studio. It has become a total disaster. Not good. I use the studio for art making, yoga practicing, computer surfing, impromptu dance parties, and hanging out. I love my studio!! It has a great huge closet to keep everything in, a juicy red rug that I do all my creating on…and in one corner is a set of great windows where I keep an alter–a constant reminder that this room is sacred. But creating has been at a minimum lately in the studio…..and I know alot of it has to do with the…


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