21 SECRETS Conversations with Mindy Tsonas

Mindy Collage

This past Spring I was so honored to be one of the contributing artists for Mindy Tsonas’s Inner Alchemy Circle that she hosts every season.  But what happened is that I became even more inspired and excited once I was able to dive in and actually join the online workshop myself.  I fell in love with making alchemy cards — and even more in love with Mindy herself.  I was so impressed at how she hosts this short and sweet online workshop with such integrity, kindness, and boundless creativity.  Every day I ran to the computer eager to see what was in store and to soak in all the creative goodness that was stirring from this coven Mindy created!

But this is only par for the course, Mindy has been gathering creative Souls together for over a decade now starting with her first magical online home: Wish Studio.  Through the years she has learned the magic of making wishes come true and has alchemized her discoveries into this glorious practice of creating alchemy cards and moving through life with greater ease and faith.

Much like a wish made in the depths of our hearts, Mindy’s artist journey is too a gentle unfolding.  Mindy shares her soft wisdom and magical process in 21 SECRETS Spring 2015 with her workshop Inner Alchemy Pages: An Exploration of Paint and Personal Magic! 

To learn more about Mindy be sure to visit her website HERE and you can tap into our juicy conversation below — where we experience an actual 21 SECRETS Conversations first — but you’ll have to watch to find out what it is!

New to 21 SECRETS Conversations?  Then CLICK HERE to visit the archives.

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

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