Phoenix & I Made A Mural Together


For as long as I can remember, one wall in my studio has always been a designated Paint Wall that I use to paint big on.

In 2015 I even threw together a little tutorial on how you can make your own Paint Wall RIGHT HERE.

Though, the last few years I’ve been using my Paint Wall less and less and wanting to transform it into a mural more and more.

Here’s my latest paint wall — the smallest one I’ve had so far.

So I asked my little guy Phoenix if he would help me do so.

Usually, Phoenix’s response when I ask him to paint is: “Art’s not really my thing, mom.”

But this time was different. He was all for it!

Below is a peek into our process that took about four days to complete.

The one and only agreement Phoenix and I had was that each artist was completely free to put whatever mark they wanted on the mural — including they were permitted to paint over the other person’s marks if they wished and both of us agreed it would be totally ok.

Here’s the final piece.

We ended up moving the bottom piece over a little which made it look more cohesive and then we took the corner piece and made it a stand-alone piece as well.

Also, if you’re curious we used a combination of acrylic paint, tempera paint, and oil pastel.

Fun! Fun! Fun!

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