When I Finally Listened

Was Suppose

A couple months ago I started to share a little of my process behind this painting.

(You can read about my journey with “Her” HERE.)


I was devoted to this painting for a few straight months.

The last time I spoke of Her HERE on Dirty Footprints Studio she was much larger. Much, much larger.

But the larger she got, the heavier she felt.

I started to realize that I was pushing Her to be something that made a lot of sense in my head. But I was drifting aimlessly away from truly listening to what needed to emerge — what really longed to be expressed.


So one evening I just did it.

I just got tired of that heaviness and decided to cut it the hell off.


It wasn’t until then that the heart actually appeared in my painting — almost instantly.



And gosh, isn’t it interesting what happens —
once you decide to finally listen?

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