Art Journal Jam :: Episode 2

AJJ Episode 2

Thank you! Thank you!

A million and one thank you’s to all the lovely Souls that reached out last week and showered us in so much love over our first episode of Art Journal Jam!

Plus it has been world’s of fun to see all the art that our “Jammers” are creating with us over on Instagram using hashtag #artjournaljam!!

(Be sure to hang out till the end of this week’s episode because we’re showcase’n some of our Jammers too!)

And second — thank you for all the loving emails that sprinkled in sharing with us how our jam was just the right company and extra nudge you needed to get creating again.  We couldn’t be happier and that’s why we’re committed to showing up here every Friday — so keep your art journal near — let’s do this together!

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 Want to know a little secret?

Tashie and I don’t have any epic agenda behind the format of our Art Journal Jam other than to stay committed to showing up, art journaling, and keeping a conversation going.

It can be a bit unnerving, though, but as you’ll see with a little serendipity and a whole lot of trust in the creative process we are able to “Expect A Miracle” and come out the other side unharmed and quite fulfilled!

So we encourage you too to step into your process with the same”Expect A Miracle” sentiment and see where it leads you — then of course hop on over to Instagram and share! share! share! using the hashtag #artjournaljam.  We’ll be looking for you!

And don’t forget to pop your email address in the form below — that way you’ll never miss an episode! (You certainly don’t want to do that.)

Now grab your art journal…let’s JAM!

Show Notes


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